Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Sometimes i wonder if we achieve the unattainable things by accident, or we are making effords to conquer them.. 
And then i wonder why we can't repair all of them just like we make them... 
Just because of destiny... and we can't escape from this. Sometimes we have the opportunity to run away from everything but we can't dispel the fear of what the future reserves us, so we remain to the situations...But i have no qualms about doing a modification, and i'll try to change what i truly hate..To a certain extent i can afford everything that happens in my life, but now there is a turning point and i have to cleanse what's necessary for my survival, friendship, relationship, studies...
...and how.. 
...how can i strive for it...

goodnight my love..  ~~change the colors of the sky and open up to the ways you made me feel alive, the ways i loved you~~

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